Lesson results commit

This commit is contained in:
Artur Savitskiy 2024-05-07 10:24:05 +02:00
parent d4e89fb512
commit cbe2ee20f5
2 changed files with 92 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import copy
from ShootResult import ShootResult
from ShipDirection import ShipDirection
from ShipMode import ShipMode
from ShipDirection import ShipDirection
class ShipField:
@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ class ShipField:
ship_size = 1
ship_direction = ShipDirection.UNKNOWN
# Проверим вертикаль
# check vertical
for r in range(row + 1, self.field_size):
if self.check_ship(r, col):
ship_size += 1
@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ class ShipField:
if ship_direction == ShipDirection.UNKNOWN:
# Проверим горизонталь
# check horizontal
for c in range(col + 1, self.field_size):
if self.check_ship(row, c):
ship_size += 1
@ -176,17 +175,11 @@ class ShipField:
return ShootResult.UNDEFINED
def check_ship(self, row, col):
# Функция должна возвращать True, если в заданной клетке есть корабль,
# в противном случае - False
return self.field[row * self.field_size + col].strip() == '1'
def check_possible(self, row, col):
# Функция должна возвращать True, если можно поставить сюда корабль,
# в противном случае - False
if self.ship_direction == ShipDirection.VERTICAL:
# Здесь мы знаем, что корабль помещается на поле.
if self.field_size - row >= self.ship_size:
# Теперь нужно проверить, не заблокировано ли какое-то из полей,
for r in range(row, row + self.ship_size):
if not self.check_blocked(r, col):
return False
@ -202,8 +195,6 @@ class ShipField:
return False
def check_blocked(self, row, col):
# Функция возвращает True, если все клетки вокруг клетки с координатами row, col
# либо находятся за пределами поля, либо в них нет корабля/они пустые
for r in range(row - 1, row + 2):
for c in range(col - 1, col + 2):
if 0 <= r < self.field_size and 0 <= c < self.field_size:
@ -233,6 +224,7 @@ class ShipField:
self.ship_direction = value
def toggle_ship_direction(self):
if self.field_mode == ShipMode.PUT:
if self.ship_direction == ShipDirection.VERTICAL:
self.ship_direction = ShipDirection.HORIZONTAL
@ -245,15 +237,13 @@ class ShipField:
self.field_mode = ShipMode.PUT
def print_field(self):
for r in range(0, self.field_size):
blocked_string = ""
ship_string = ""
for c in range(0, self.field_size):
blocked_string += str(self.check_blocked(r, c))[0] + ", "
ship_string += self.field[r * self.field_size + c] + ', '
# print(blocked_string[:-2] + ' ' + ship_string[:-2])
print(blocked_string[:-2] + ' ' + ship_string[:-2])
@ -263,4 +253,3 @@ class ShipField:
result['field_mode'] = obj.field_mode.value
result['ship_direction'] = obj.ship_direction.value
return result

View File

@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
import json
import os
from tkinter import *
import time
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import *
from ShipField import ShipField
my_field = ShipField()
enemy_field = ShipField()
active_field = my_field
active_text = {}
def draw_field(window, field, col_offset):
def draw_field(window, field, col_offset=0, row_offset=0):
buttons = []
for r in range(0, field.field_size):
for c in range(0, field.field_size):
btn = Button(window, text='', width=5, height=2)
btn.grid(column=c + col_offset, row=r)
btn.grid(column=c + col_offset, row=r + row_offset)
btn.bind('<Button-1>', lambda e, x=r, y=c: left_button_click(buttons, x, y))
btn.bind('<Button-3>', right_button_click)
btn.bind('<Enter>', lambda e, x=r, y=c: button_enter(buttons, x, y))
@ -26,27 +27,27 @@ def draw_field(window, field, col_offset):
def colorize(field, buttons):
for i in range(len(buttons)):
for i in range(len(field.field)):
bg = "white"
if field[i] == "1":
if field.field[i] == "1":
bg = 'pink'
if field[i] == "\\":
bg = 'red'
if field[i] == "0":
if field.field[i] == "\\":
bg = 'grey'
if field.field[i] == "0":
bg = 'black'
if field[i] == "p":
if field.field[i] == "p":
bg = 'blue'
if "+" in field[i]:
bg = 'orange'
if "r" in field[i]:
if field.field[i] == "r":
bg = 'red'
if "+" in field.field[i]:
bg = 'orange'
def keypress_handler(e):
global active_field
if e.keysym.isnumeric():
if e.keysym == 'm':
@ -54,27 +55,32 @@ def keypress_handler(e):
def left_button_click(buttons, row, col):
global active_field
global active_text
active_field.action(row, col)
colorize(active_field, buttons)
refresh_remaining_ships_label(active_field, active_text)
def right_button_click(unused):
def right_button_click(d):
global active_field
def button_enter(buttons, row, col):
global active_field
global active_text
if buttons == my_buttons:
active_field = my_field
active_text = my_remainingShipsText
my_field.target(row, col)
elif buttons == enemy_buttons:
active_field = enemy_field
active_text = enemy_remainingShipsText
enemy_field.target(row, col)
@ -82,44 +88,84 @@ def button_enter(buttons, row, col):
colorize(enemy_field, enemy_buttons)
def savebutton_click(event):
def savebutton_click(field):
file_path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[("JSON files", "*.json")])
if file_path:
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump({'my_field': my_field}, f, default=ShipField.convert_to_json)
json.dump({'shipField': field}, f, default=ShipField.convert_to_json)
def loadbutton_click(event):
global my_field
def loadbutton_click(field, buttons):
file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("JSON files", "*.json")])
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
with open(file_path) as lines:
colorize(my_field, my_buttons)
colorize(field, buttons)
def refresh_remaining_ships_label(field, stringvar):
text = ''
for i in range(1, 5):
count = field.ships.count(i)
if count > 0:
text += f'{"[]" * i}: {count}, '
window = Tk()
window.title("Ship Craft!")
window.bind_all('<KeyPress>', keypress_handler)
my_buttons = draw_field(window, my_field, 0)
enemy_buttons = draw_field(window, enemy_field, 11)
my_remainingShipsText = StringVar()
enemy_remainingShipsText = StringVar()
lbl = Label(window, text='', width=5, height=2)
lbl.grid(column=10, row=0)
start_column_my_field = 1
start_row_my_field = 1
savebutton = Button(window, text='Save', width=20, height=2)
savebutton.bind('<Button-1>', savebutton_click)
savebutton.grid(column=0, row=11, columnspan=4)
start_column_enemy_field = start_column_my_field + my_field.field_size + 1
start_row_enemy_field = start_row_my_field
col_vertical_separator = start_column_my_field + my_field.field_size
row_horizontal_separator = start_row_my_field + my_field.field_size
load_button_row = start_row_my_field + my_field.field_size + 1
my_buttons = draw_field(window, my_field, start_column_my_field, start_row_my_field)
enemy_buttons = draw_field(window, enemy_field, start_column_enemy_field, start_row_enemy_field)
if start_column_my_field > 0:
lbl_left_vertical = Label(window, text='', width=5, height=2)
lbl_left_vertical.grid(column=start_column_my_field - 1, row=start_row_my_field)
lbl_center_vertical = Label(window, text='', width=5, height=2)
lbl_center_vertical.grid(column=col_vertical_separator, row=start_row_my_field)
if start_row_my_field > 0:
lbl_upper_horizontal = Label(window, text='', width=5, height=2)
lbl_upper_horizontal.grid(column=start_column_my_field, row=start_row_my_field - 1)
lbl_lower_horizontal = Label(window, text='', width=50, height=2, textvariable=my_remainingShipsText)
lbl_lower_horizontal.grid(column=start_column_my_field, row=row_horizontal_separator, columnspan=10)
lbl_lower_enemy_horizontal = Label(window, text='', width=50, height=2, textvariable=enemy_remainingShipsText)
lbl_lower_enemy_horizontal.grid(column=start_column_enemy_field, row=row_horizontal_separator, columnspan=10)
savebutton = Button(window, text='Save', width=20, height=2, command=lambda: savebutton_click(my_field))
savebutton.grid(column=start_column_my_field, row=load_button_row, columnspan=4)
loadbutton = Button(window, text='Load', width=20, height=2, command=lambda: loadbutton_click(my_field, my_buttons))
loadbutton.grid(column=start_column_my_field + 6, row=load_button_row, columnspan=4)
savebutton_enemy = Button(window, text='Save', width=20, height=2, command=lambda: savebutton_click(enemy_field))
savebutton_enemy.grid(column=start_column_enemy_field, row=load_button_row, columnspan=4)
loadbutton_enemy = Button(window, text='Load', width=20, height=2, command=lambda: loadbutton_click(enemy_field, enemy_buttons))
loadbutton_enemy.grid(column=start_column_enemy_field + 6, row=load_button_row, columnspan=4)
loadbutton = Button(window, text='Load', width=20, height=2)
loadbutton.bind('<Button-1>', loadbutton_click)
loadbutton.grid(column=5, row=11, columnspan=4)