import json import os from tkinter import * from tkinter import filedialog from ShipField import ShipField my_field = ShipField() enemy_field = ShipField() active_field = my_field def draw_field(window, field, col_offset): buttons = [] for r in range(0, field.field_size): for c in range(0, field.field_size): btn = Button(window, text='', width=5, height=2) btn.grid(column=c + col_offset, row=r) btn.bind('', lambda e, x=r, y=c: left_button_click(buttons, x, y)) btn.bind('', right_button_click) btn.bind('', lambda e, x=r, y=c: button_enter(buttons, x, y)) buttons.append(btn) colorize(field, buttons) return buttons def colorize(field, buttons): for i in range(len(buttons)): bg = "white" if field[i] == "1": bg = 'pink' if field[i] == "\\": bg = 'red' if field[i] == "0": bg = 'black' if field[i] == "p": bg = 'blue' if "+" in field[i]: bg = 'orange' if "r" in field[i]: bg = 'red' buttons[i].configure(bg=bg) def keypress_handler(e): global active_field if e.keysym.isnumeric(): active_field.set_ship_size(e.keysym) else: if e.keysym == 'm': active_field.toggle_field_mode() def left_button_click(buttons, row, col): global active_field active_field.action(row, col) refresh_remaining_ships_label() colorize(active_field, buttons) def right_button_click(unused): global active_field active_field.toggle_ship_direction() def button_enter(buttons, row, col): global active_field if buttons == my_buttons: active_field = my_field enemy_field.clear_marker(), col) elif buttons == enemy_buttons: active_field = enemy_field my_field.clear_marker(), col) colorize(my_field, my_buttons) colorize(enemy_field, enemy_buttons) def savebutton_click(field): file_path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[("JSON files", "*.json")]) if file_path: with open("file_path", "w") as f: json.dump({"shipField": field}, f, default=ShipField.convert_to_json) def loadbutton_click(field, buttons): file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[('JSON files', '*.json')]) if os.path.isfile(file_path): with open("file_path") as lines: my_field.from_json(json.load(lines)['shipField']) colorize(field, buttons) def refresh_remaining_ships_label(): text = '' for i in range(1,5): count = my_field.ships.count(i) if count > 0: text += f'{"[]" * i}: {count}, ' remainingShipsText.set(text[:-2]) window = Tk() window.title("Ship Craft!") window.geometry('940x510') window.bind_all('', keypress_handler) my_field.toggle_ship_direction() my_field.set_ship_size(4) my_field.set_ship(1, 1) my_field.toggle_ship_direction() my_field.set_ship_size(3) my_field.set_ship(0, 6) my_field.set_ship_size(1) my_field.set_ship(7, 3) my_buttons = draw_field(window, my_field, 0) enemy_buttons = draw_field(window, enemy_field, 11) lbl = Label(window, text='', width=5, height=2) lbl.grid(column=10, row=0) savebutton = Button(window, text='Save', width=20, height=2, command=lambda: savebutton_click(my_field)) savebutton.grid(column=0, row=11, columnspan=4) loadbutton = Button(window, text='Load', width=20, height=2, command=lambda: loadbutton_click(my_field, my_buttons)) loadbutton.grid(column=5, row=11, columnspan=4) savebutton_enemy = Button(window, text='Save_enemy', width=20, height=2, command=lambda: savebutton_click(enemy_field)) savebutton_enemy.grid(column=11, row=11, columnspan=4) loadbutton_enemy = Button(window, text='Load_enemy', width=20, height=2, command=lambda: loadbutton_click(enemy_field, enemy_buttons)) loadbutton_enemy.grid(column=16, row=11, columnspan=4) remainingShipsText = StringVar() lbl = Label(window, width=50, height=2, textvariable=remainingShipsText) lbl.grid(column=1, row=13, columnspan=10) window.mainloop()