PdfSharp.Charting Version info of this assembly. Represents an area chart renderer. Initializes a new instance of the AreaChartRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns an initialized and renderer specific rendererInfo. Layouts and calculates the space used by the line chart. Draws the column chart. Initializes all necessary data to draw a series for an area chart. Initializes all necessary data to draw a series for an area chart. Represents a plot area renderer of areas. Initializes a new instance of the AreaPlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Draws the content of the area plot area. Represents the base for all specialized axis renderer. Initialization common too all axis renderer should come here. Initializes a new instance of the AxisRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Initializes the axis title of the rendererInfo. All missing font attributes will be taken from the specified defaultFont. Initializes the tick labels of the rendererInfo. All missing font attributes will be taken from the specified defaultFont. Initializes the line format of the rendererInfo. Initializes the gridlines of the rendererInfo. Default width for a variety of lines. Default width for a gridlines. Default width for major tick marks. Default width for minor tick marks. Default width of major tick marks. Default width of minor tick marks. Default width of space between label and tick mark. Represents a axis title renderer used for x and y axis titles. Initializes a new instance of the AxisTitleRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the space used for the axis title. Draws the axis title. Represents a bar chart renderer. Initializes a new instance of the BarChartRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns an initialized and renderer specific rendererInfo. Layouts and calculates the space used by the column chart. Draws the column chart. Returns the specific plot area renderer. Returns the specific legend renderer. Returns the specific plot area renderer. Initializes all necessary data to draw all series for a column chart. Initializes all necessary data to draw all series for a column chart. Represents the legend renderer specific to bar charts. Initializes a new instance of the BarClusteredLegendRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Draws the legend. Represents a plot area renderer of clustered bars, i. e. all bars are drawn side by side. Initializes a new instance of the BarClusteredPlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the position, width and height of each bar of all series. If yValue is within the range from yMin to yMax returns true, otherwise false. Represents a data label renderer for bar charts. Initializes a new instance of the BarDataLabelRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the space used by the data labels. Draws the data labels of the bar chart. Calculates the data label positions specific for column charts. Represents gridlines used by bar charts, i. e. X axis grid will be rendered from left to right and Y axis grid will be rendered from top to bottom of the plot area. Initializes a new instance of the BarGridlinesRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Draws the gridlines into the plot area. Represents a plot area renderer for bars. Initializes a new instance of the BarPlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Layouts and calculates the space for each bar. Draws the content of the bar plot area. Calculates the position, width and height of each bar of all series. If yValue is within the range from yMin to yMax returns true, otherwise false. Represents a plot area renderer of stacked bars, i. e. all bars are drawn one on another. Initializes a new instance of the BarStackedPlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the position, width and height of each bar of all series. If yValue is within the range from yMin to yMax returns true, otherwise false. Represents the base class for all chart renderers. Initializes a new instance of the ChartRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the space used by the legend and returns the remaining space available for the other parts of the chart. Used to separate the legend from the plot area. Represents the default width for all series lines, like borders in column/bar charts. Represents the predefined column/bar chart colors. Gets the color for column/bar charts from the specified index. Colors for column/bar charts taken from Excel. Represents the predefined line chart colors. Gets the color for line charts from the specified index. Colors for line charts taken from Excel. Represents the predefined pie chart colors. Gets the color for pie charts from the specified index. Colors for pie charts taken from Excel. Represents a column chart renderer. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnChartRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns an initialized and renderer specific rendererInfo. Layouts and calculates the space used by the column chart. Draws the column chart. Returns the specific plot area renderer. Returns the specific y axis renderer. Initializes all necessary data to draw all series for a column chart. Initializes all necessary data to draw all series for a column chart. Represents a plot area renderer of clustered columns, i. e. all columns are drawn side by side. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnClusteredPlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the position, width and height of each column of all series. If yValue is within the range from yMin to yMax returns true, otherwise false. Represents a data label renderer for column charts. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnDataLabelRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the space used by the data labels. Draws the data labels of the column chart. Calculates the data label positions specific for column charts. Represents column like chart renderer. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnLikeChartRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the chart layout. Represents gridlines used by column or line charts, i. e. X axis grid will be rendered from top to bottom and Y axis grid will be rendered from left to right of the plot area. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnLikeGridlinesRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Draws the gridlines into the plot area. Represents the legend renderer specific to charts like column, line, or bar. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnLikeLegendRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Initializes the legend's renderer info. Each data series will be represented through a legend entry renderer info. Base class for all plot area renderers. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnLikePlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Layouts and calculates the space for column like plot areas. Represents a plot area renderer of clustered columns, i. e. all columns are drawn side by side. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnPlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Layouts and calculates the space for each column. Draws the content of the column plot area. Calculates the position, width and height of each column of all series. If yValue is within the range from yMin to yMax returns true, otherwise false. Represents a plot area renderer of stacked columns, i. e. all columns are drawn one on another. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnStackedPlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the position, width and height of each column of all series. Stacked columns are always inside. Represents a renderer for combinations of charts. Initializes a new instance of the CombinationChartRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns an initialized and renderer specific rendererInfo. Layouts and calculates the space used by the combination chart. Draws the column chart. Initializes all necessary data to draw series for a combination chart. Sort all series renderer info dependent on their chart type. Provides functions which converts Charting.DOM objects into PdfSharp.Drawing objects. Creates a XFont based on the font. Missing attributes will be taken from the defaultFont parameter. Creates a XPen based on the specified line format. If not specified color and width will be taken from the defaultColor and defaultWidth parameter. Creates a XPen based on the specified line format. If not specified color and width will be taken from the defaultPen parameter. Creates a XPen based on the specified line format. If not specified color, width and dash style will be taken from the defaultColor, defaultWidth and defaultDashStyle parameters. Creates a XBrush based on the specified fill format. If not specified, color will be taken from the defaultColor parameter. Creates a XBrush based on the specified font color. If not specified, color will be taken from the defaultColor parameter. Represents a data label renderer. Initializes a new instance of the DataLabelRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Creates a data label rendererInfo. Does not return any renderer info. Calculates the specific positions for each data label. Base class for all renderers used to draw gridlines. Initializes a new instance of the GridlinesRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Represents a Y axis renderer used for charts of type BarStacked2D. Initializes a new instance of the HorizontalStackedYAxisRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Determines the sum of the smallest and the largest stacked bar from all series of the chart. Represents an axis renderer used for charts of type Column2D or Line. Initializes a new instance of the HorizontalXAxisRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns an initialized rendererInfo based on the X axis. Calculates the space used for the X axis. Draws the horizontal X axis. Calculates the X axis describing values like minimum/maximum scale, major/minor tick and major/minor tick mark width. Initializes the rendererInfo's xvalues. If not set by the user xvalues will be simply numbers from minimum scale + 1 to maximum scale. Calculates the starting and ending y position for the minor and major tick marks. Represents a Y axis renderer used for charts of type Bar2D. Initializes a new instance of the HorizontalYAxisRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns a initialized rendererInfo based on the Y axis. Calculates the space used for the Y axis. Draws the vertical Y axis. Calculates all values necessary for scaling the axis like minimum/maximum scale or minor/major tick. Gets the top and bottom position of the major and minor tick marks depending on the tick mark type. Determines the smallest and the largest number from all series of the chart. Represents the renderer for a legend entry. Initializes a new instance of the LegendEntryRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the space used by the legend entry. Draws one legend entry. Absolute width for markers (including line) in point. Maximum legend marker width in point. Maximum legend marker height in point. Insert spacing between marker and text in point. Represents the legend renderer for all chart types. Initializes a new instance of the LegendRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Layouts and calculates the space used by the legend. Draws the legend. Used to insert a padding on the left. Used to insert a padding on the right. Used to insert a padding at the top. Used to insert a padding at the bottom. Used to insert a padding between entries. Default line width used for the legend's border. Represents a line chart renderer. Initializes a new instance of the LineChartRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns an initialized and renderer specific rendererInfo. Layouts and calculates the space used by the line chart. Draws the line chart. Initializes all necessary data to draw a series for a line chart. Initializes all necessary data to draw a series for a line chart. Represents a renderer specialized to draw lines in various styles, colors and widths. Initializes a new instance of the LineFormatRenderer class with the specified graphics, line format and default width. Initializes a new instance of the LineFormatRenderer class with the specified graphics and line format. Initializes a new instance of the LineFormatRenderer class with the specified graphics and pen. Draws a line from point pt0 to point pt1. Draws a line specified by rect. Draws a line specified by path. Surface to draw the line. Pen used to draw the line. Renders the plot area used by line charts. Initializes a new instance of the LinePlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Draws the content of the line plot area. Draws all markers given in rendererInfo at the positions specified by points. Represents a renderer for markers in line charts and legends. Draws the marker given through rendererInfo at the specified position. Position specifies the center of the marker. Represents a pie chart renderer. Initializes a new instance of the PieChartRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns an initialized and renderer specific rendererInfo. Layouts and calculates the space used by the pie chart. Draws the pie chart. Returns the specific plot area renderer. Initializes all necessary data to draw a series for a pie chart. Represents a closed pie plot area renderer. Initializes a new instance of the PiePlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculate angles for each sector. Represents a data label renderer for pie charts. Initializes a new instance of the PieDataLabelRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates the space used by the data labels. Draws the data labels of the pie chart. Calculates the data label positions specific for pie charts. Represents a exploded pie plot area renderer. Initializes a new instance of the PieExplodedPlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculate angles for each sector. Represents the legend renderer specific to pie charts. Initializes a new instance of the PieLegendRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Initializes the legend's renderer info. Each data point will be represented through a legend entry renderer info. Represents the base for all pie plot area renderer. Initializes a new instance of the PiePlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Layouts and calculates the space used by the pie plot area. Draws the content of the pie plot area. Calculates the specific positions for each sector. Represents the border renderer for plot areas. Initializes a new instance of the PlotAreaBorderRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Draws the border around the plot area. Base class for all plot area renderers. Initializes a new instance of the PlotAreaRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns an initialized PlotAreaRendererInfo. Initializes the plot area's line format common to all derived plot area renderers. If line format is given all uninitialized values will be set. Initializes the plot area's fill format common to all derived plot area renderers. If fill format is given all uninitialized values will be set. Represents the default line width for the plot area's border. Base class of all renderers. Initializes a new instance of the Renderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Derived renderer should return an initialized and renderer specific rendererInfo, e. g. XAxisRenderer returns an new instance of AxisRendererInfo class. Layouts and calculates the space used by the renderer's drawing item. Draws the item. Holds all necessary rendering information. Represents the base class of all renderer infos. Renderer infos are used to hold all necessary information and time consuming calculations between rendering cycles. Base class for all renderer infos which defines an area. Gets or sets the x coordinate of this rectangle. Gets or sets the y coordinate of this rectangle. Gets or sets the width of this rectangle. Gets or sets the height of this rectangle. Gets the area's size. Gets the area's rectangle. A ChartRendererInfo stores information of all main parts of a chart like axis renderer info or plotarea renderer info. Gets the chart's default font for rendering. Gets the chart's default font for rendering data labels. A CombinationRendererInfo stores information for rendering combination of charts. PointRendererInfo is used to render one single data point which is part of a data series. Represents one sector of a series used by a pie chart. Represents one data point of a series and the corresponding rectangle. Stores rendering specific information for one data label entry. Stores data label specific rendering information. SeriesRendererInfo holds all data series specific rendering information. Gets the sum of all points in PointRendererInfo. Represents a description of a marker for a line chart. An AxisRendererInfo holds all axis specific rendering information. Sets the x coordinate of the inner rectangle. Sets the y coordinate of the inner rectangle. Sets the height of the inner rectangle. Sets the width of the inner rectangle. Represents one description of a legend entry. Size for the marker only. Width for marker area. Extra spacing for line charts are considered. Size for text area. Stores legend specific rendering information. Stores rendering information common to all plot area renderers. Saves the plot area's matrix. Represents the necessary data for chart rendering. Initializes a new instance of the RendererParameters class. Initializes a new instance of the RendererParameters class with the specified graphics and coordinates. Initializes a new instance of the RendererParameters class with the specified graphics and rectangle. Gets or sets the graphics object. Gets or sets the item to draw. Gets or sets the rectangle for the drawing item. Gets or sets the RendererInfo. Represents a Y axis renderer used for charts of type Column2D or Line. Initializes a new instance of the VerticalYAxisRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Determines the sum of the smallest and the largest stacked column from all series of the chart. Represents an axis renderer used for charts of type Bar2D. Initializes a new instance of the VerticalXAxisRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns an initialized rendererInfo based on the X axis. Calculates the space used for the X axis. Draws the horizontal X axis. Calculates the X axis describing values like minimum/maximum scale, major/minor tick and major/minor tick mark width. Initializes the rendererInfo's xvalues. If not set by the user xvalues will be simply numbers from minimum scale + 1 to maximum scale. Calculates the starting and ending y position for the minor and major tick marks. Represents a Y axis renderer used for charts of type Column2D or Line. Initializes a new instance of the VerticalYAxisRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns a initialized rendererInfo based on the Y axis. Calculates the space used for the Y axis. Draws the vertical Y axis. Calculates all values necessary for scaling the axis like minimum/maximum scale or minor/major tick. Gets the top and bottom position of the major and minor tick marks depending on the tick mark type. Determines the smallest and the largest number from all series of the chart. Represents a renderer for the plot area background. Initializes a new instance of the WallRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Draws the wall. Represents the base class for all X axis renderer. Initializes a new instance of the XAxisRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Returns the default tick labels format string. Represents the base class for all Y axis renderer. Initializes a new instance of the YAxisRenderer class with the specified renderer parameters. Calculates optimal minimum/maximum scale and minor/major tick based on yMin and yMax. Returns the default tick labels format string. This class represents an axis in a chart. Initializes a new instance of the Axis class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Gets the title of the axis. Gets or sets the minimum value of the axis. Gets or sets the maximum value of the axis. Gets or sets the interval of the primary tick. Gets or sets the interval of the secondary tick. Gets or sets the type of the primary tick mark. Gets or sets the type of the secondary tick mark. Gets the label of the primary tick. Gets the format of the axis line. Gets the primary gridline object. Gets the secondary gridline object. Gets or sets, whether the axis has a primary gridline object. Gets or sets, whether the axis has a secondary gridline object. Represents the title of an axis. Initializes a new instance of the AxisTitle class. Initializes a new instance of the AxisTitle class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Gets or sets the caption of the title. Gets the font of the title. Gets or sets the orientation of the caption. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the caption. Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the caption. Represents charts with different types. Initializes a new instance of the Chart class. Initializes a new instance of the Chart class with the specified parent. Initializes a new instance of the Chart class with the specified chart type. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Determines the type of the given axis. Gets or sets the base type of the chart. ChartType of the series can be overwritten. Gets or sets the font for the chart. This will be the default font for all objects which are part of the chart. Gets the legend of the chart. Gets the X-Axis of the Chart. Gets the Y-Axis of the Chart. Gets the Z-Axis of the Chart. Gets the collection of the data series. Gets the collection of the values written on the X-Axis. Gets the plot (drawing) area of the chart. Gets or sets a value defining how blanks in the data series should be shown. Gets the DataLabel of the chart. Gets or sets whether the chart has a DataLabel. Represents the frame which holds one or more charts. Initializes a new instance of the ChartFrame class. Initializes a new instance of the ChartFrame class with the specified rectangle. Gets or sets the location of the ChartFrame. Gets or sets the size of the ChartFrame. Adds a chart to the ChartFrame. Draws all charts inside the ChartFrame. Draws first chart only. Returns the chart renderer appropriate for the chart. Holds the charts which will be drawn inside the ChartFrame. Base class for all chart classes. Initializes a new instance of the ChartObject class. Initializes a new instance of the ChartObject class with the specified parent. Represents a DataLabel of a Series Initializes a new instance of the DataLabel class. Initializes a new instance of the DataLabel class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Gets or sets a numeric format string for the DataLabel. Gets the Font for the DataLabel. Gets or sets the position of the DataLabel. Gets or sets the type of the DataLabel. Base class for all chart classes. Initializes a new instance of the DocumentObject class. Initializes a new instance of the DocumentObject class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of the DocumentObject. The parent of the new object is null. Implements the deep copy of the object. Gets the parent object. Base class of all collections. Initializes a new instance of the DocumentObjectCollection class. Initializes a new instance of the DocumentObjectCollection class with the specified parent. Gets the element at the specified index. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Copies the Array_List or a portion of it to a one-dimensional array. Removes all elements from the collection. Inserts an element into the collection at the specified position. Searches for the specified object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence. Removes the element at the specified index. Adds the specified document object to the collection. Gets the number of elements actually contained in the collection. Gets the first value in the collection, if there is any, otherwise null. Gets the last element or null, if no such element exists. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Determines how null values will be handled in a chart. Null value is not plotted. Null value will be interpolated. Null value will be handled as zero. Specifies with type of chart will be drawn. A line chart. A clustered 2d column chart. A stacked 2d column chart. A 2d area chart. A clustered 2d bar chart. A stacked 2d bar chart. A 2d pie chart. An exploded 2d pie chart. Determines where the data label will be positioned. DataLabel will be centered inside the bar or pie. Inside the bar or pie at the origin. Inside the bar or pie at the edge. Outside the bar or pie. Determines the type of the data label. No DataLabel. Percentage of the data. For pie charts only. Value of the data. Specifies the legend's position inside the chart. Above the chart. Below the chart. Left from the chart. Right from the chart. Specifies the properties for the font. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. Used to determine the horizontal alignment of the axis title. Axis title will be left aligned. Axis title will be right aligned. Axis title will be centered. Specifies the line style of the LineFormat object. Symbols of a data point in a line chart. Determines the position where the Tickmarks will be rendered. Tickmarks are not rendered. Tickmarks are rendered inside the plot area. Tickmarks are rendered outside the plot area. Tickmarks are rendered inside and outside the plot area. Specifies the underline type for the font. Used to determine the vertical alignment of the axis title. Axis title will be top aligned. Axis title will be centered. Axis title will be bottom aligned. Defines the background filling of the shape. Initializes a new instance of the FillFormat class. Initializes a new instance of the FillFormat class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of this object. Gets or sets the color of the filling. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the background color should be visible. Font represents the formatting of characters in a paragraph. Initializes a new instance of the Font class that can be used as a template. Initializes a new instance of the Font class with the specified parent. Initializes a new instance of the Font class with the specified name and size. Creates a copy of the Font. Gets or sets the name of the font. Gets or sets the size of the font. Gets or sets the bold property. Gets or sets the italic property. Gets or sets the underline property. Gets or sets the color property. Gets or sets the superscript property. Gets or sets the subscript property. Represents the gridlines on the axes. Initializes a new instance of the Gridlines class. Initializes a new instance of the Gridlines class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Gets the line format of the grid. Represents a legend of a chart. Initializes a new instance of the Legend class. Initializes a new instance of the Legend class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Gets the line format of the legend's border. Gets the font of the legend. Gets or sets the docking type. Defines the format of a line in a shape object. Initializes a new instance of the LineFormat class. Initializes a new instance of the LineFormat class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of this object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the line should be visible. Gets or sets the width of the line in XUnit. Gets or sets the color of the line. Gets or sets the dash style of the line. Gets or sets the style of the line. Represents the area where the actual chart is drawn. Initializes a new instance of the PlotArea class. Initializes a new instance of the PlotArea class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Gets the line format of the plot area's border. Gets the background filling of the plot area. Gets or sets the left padding of the area. Gets or sets the right padding of the area. Gets or sets the top padding of the area. Gets or sets the bottom padding of the area. Represents a formatted value on the data series. Initializes a new instance of the Point class. Initializes a new instance of the Point class with a real value. Initializes a new instance of the Point class with a real value. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Gets the line format of the data point's border. Gets the filling format of the data point. The actual value of the data point. The Pdf-Sharp-Charting-String-Resources. Represents a series of data on the chart. Initializes a new instance of the Series class. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Adds a blank to the series. Adds a real value to the series. Adds an array of real values to the series. The actual value container of the series. Gets or sets the name of the series which will be used in the legend. Gets the line format of the border of each data. Gets the background filling of the data. Gets or sets the size of the marker in a line chart. Gets or sets the style of the marker in a line chart. Gets or sets the foreground color of the marker in a line chart. Gets or sets the background color of the marker in a line chart. Gets or sets the chart type of the series if it's intended to be different than the global chart type. Gets the DataLabel of the series. Gets or sets whether the series has a DataLabel. Gets the element count of the series. The collection of data series. Initializes a new instance of the SeriesCollection class. Initializes a new instance of the SeriesCollection class with the specified parent. Gets a series by its index. Creates a deep copy of this object. Adds a new series to the collection. Represents the collection of the values in a data series. Initializes a new instance of the SeriesElements class. Initializes a new instance of the SeriesElements class with the specified parent. Gets a point by its index. Creates a deep copy of this object. Adds a blank to the series. Adds a new point with a real value to the series. Adds an array of new points with real values to the series. Represents the format of the label of each value on the axis. Initializes a new instance of the TickLabels class. Initializes a new instance of the TickLabels class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Gets or sets the label's number format. Gets the font of the label. Represents a series of data on the X-Axis. Initializes a new instance of the XSeries class. Gets the xvalue at the specified index. The actual value container of the XSeries. Creates a deep copy of this object. Implements the deep copy of the object. Adds a blank to the XSeries. Adds a value to the XSeries. Adds an array of values to the XSeries. Gets the enumerator. Gets the number of xvalues actually contained in the xseries. Represents the collection of the value in an XSeries. Initializes a new instance of the XSeriesElements class. Creates a deep copy of this object. Adds a blank to the XSeries. Adds a value to the XSeries. Adds an array of values to the XSeries. Represents the actual value on the XSeries. Initializes a new instance of the XValue class. Initializes a new instance of the XValue class with the specified value. The actual value of the XValue. Creates a deep copy of this object. Represents the collection of values on the X-Axis. Initializes a new instance of the XValues class. Initializes a new instance of the XValues class with the specified parent. Creates a deep copy of this object. Gets an XSeries by its index. Adds a new XSeries to the collection.