{ "Log": { "Type": "DEBUG", // Log type (Available: INFO, ERROR, DEBUG, CRITICAL) "Path": "c:\\tmp\\inside", // Directory, where the log files should be written "SmtpServer": null, // Smtp server for mailing function "SmtpPort": 25, // Smtp port for mailing function "SmtpSSL": false, // Flag of ssl using for smtp server "SmptUsername": null, // Please use encrypted value from PasswortEncryptor.exe "SmptPassword": null, // Please use encrypted value from PasswortEncryptor.exe "SmtpSenderEmail": "ServiceInside@labor-stein.de", // Sender email address of mailing function "SmtpSenderName": "ServiceInside", // Sender name of mailing function "SmtpRecipients": "iabetschkhrischwili@labor-stein.de" // List of recipients separated by ; to get the sent mails from service }, "CleanUpDays": 30, // Days to clean up all of results inkl. files and database records without device udidīs "PrivateDirectory": "c:\\pba\\private", // private data directory, where the ack & hl7 data are stored "PublicDirectory": "c:\\pba\\public", // public data directory, where the encryptef files are stored "MaxWorkerThreads": 10, // Max sub threads for ack. and hl7 data read & writer "MaxTryNotFoundResults": 2, // Number of tries to check not found results "CheckIntervalNotFoundResultsInMinutes": 1440, // Time interval in minutes to check not found results again "ServiceOutsideIP": "::1", // IP of service outside to whitelist for communication (trusted header) "ServiceOutsideURL": "https://localhost:443", // URL of service outside to call api functions "ServiceInsideURL": "https://localhost:444", // URL of service inside to call api functions and to try wake up from idle state "ConnectionStrings": { // connection strings to database. Important its recommended to store this value as encrypted hash s. PasswordEncryptor.exe "default": "dev", // types of connection string to database "prod": "Server=myServer;Uid=myUser;Database=myDatabase;Pwd=myPassword;SSLMode=None;Charset=utf8mb4", // Please use encrypted value from PasswortEncryptor.exe "dev": "Server=;Uid=PBA;Pwd=vertrigo;Database=pba;Charset=utf8mb4" } }