using System.Numerics; using System.Security.Cryptography; /** * Based on open sourcce * **/ namespace ServiceShared.Crypto { public static class Ed25519 { private static byte[] ComputeHash(byte[] m) { using (var sha512 = SHA512Managed.Create()) { return sha512.ComputeHash(m); } } private static BigInteger ExpMod(BigInteger number, BigInteger exponent, BigInteger modulo) { if (exponent.Equals(BigInteger.Zero)) { return BigInteger.One; } BigInteger t = BigInteger.Pow(ExpMod(number, exponent / Two, modulo), 2).Mod(modulo); if (!exponent.IsEven) { t *= number; t = t.Mod(modulo); } return t; } private static BigInteger Inv(BigInteger x) { return ExpMod(x, Qm2, Q); } private static BigInteger RecoverX(BigInteger y) { BigInteger y2 = y * y; BigInteger xx = (y2 - 1) * Inv(D * y2 + 1); BigInteger x = ExpMod(xx, Qp3 / Eight, Q); if (!(x * x - xx).Mod(Q).Equals(BigInteger.Zero)) { x = (x * I).Mod(Q); } if (!x.IsEven) { x = Q - x; } return x; } private static Tuple Edwards(BigInteger px, BigInteger py, BigInteger qx, BigInteger qy) { BigInteger xx12 = px * qx; BigInteger yy12 = py * qy; BigInteger dtemp = D * xx12 * yy12; BigInteger x3 = (px * qy + qx * py) * (Inv(1 + dtemp)); BigInteger y3 = (py * qy + xx12) * (Inv(1 - dtemp)); return new Tuple(x3.Mod(Q), y3.Mod(Q)); } private static Tuple EdwardsSquare(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) { BigInteger xx = x * x; BigInteger yy = y * y; BigInteger dtemp = D * xx * yy; BigInteger x3 = (2 * x * y) * (Inv(1 + dtemp)); BigInteger y3 = (yy + xx) * (Inv(1 - dtemp)); return new Tuple(x3.Mod(Q), y3.Mod(Q)); } private static Tuple ScalarMul(Tuple p, BigInteger e) { if (e.Equals(BigInteger.Zero)) { return new Tuple(BigInteger.Zero, BigInteger.One); } var q = ScalarMul(p, e / Two); q = EdwardsSquare(q.Item1, q.Item2); if (!e.IsEven) q = Edwards(q.Item1, q.Item2, p.Item1, p.Item2); return q; } public static byte[] EncodeInt(BigInteger y) { byte[] nin = y.ToByteArray(); var nout = new byte[Math.Max(nin.Length, 32)]; Array.Copy(nin, nout, nin.Length); return nout; } public static byte[] EncodePoint(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) { byte[] nout = EncodeInt(y); nout[nout.Length - 1] |= (x.IsEven ? (byte)0 : (byte)0x80); return nout; } private static int GetBit(byte[] h, int i) { return h[i / 8] >> (i % 8) & 1; } public static byte[] PublicKey(byte[] signingKey) { byte[] h = ComputeHash(signingKey); BigInteger a = TwoPowBitLengthMinusTwo; for (int i = 3; i < (BitLength - 2); i++) { var bit = GetBit(h, i); if (bit != 0) { a += TwoPowCache[i]; } } var bigA = ScalarMul(B, a); return EncodePoint(bigA.Item1, bigA.Item2); } private static BigInteger HashInt(byte[] m) { byte[] h = ComputeHash(m); BigInteger hsum = BigInteger.Zero; for (int i = 0; i < 2 * BitLength; i++) { var bit = GetBit(h, i); if (bit != 0) { hsum += TwoPowCache[i]; } } return hsum; } public static byte[] Signature(byte[] message, byte[] signingKey, byte[] publicKey) { byte[] h = ComputeHash(signingKey); BigInteger a = TwoPowBitLengthMinusTwo; for (int i = 3; i < (BitLength - 2); i++) { var bit = GetBit(h, i); if (bit != 0) { a += TwoPowCache[i]; } } BigInteger r; using (var rsub = new MemoryStream((BitLength / 8) + message.Length)) { rsub.Write(h, BitLength / 8, BitLength / 4 - BitLength / 8); rsub.Write(message, 0, message.Length); r = HashInt(rsub.ToArray()); } var bigR = ScalarMul(B, r); BigInteger s; var encodedBigR = EncodePoint(bigR.Item1, bigR.Item2); using (var stemp = new MemoryStream(32 + publicKey.Length + message.Length)) { stemp.Write(encodedBigR, 0, encodedBigR.Length); stemp.Write(publicKey, 0, publicKey.Length); stemp.Write(message, 0, message.Length); s = (r + HashInt(stemp.ToArray()) * a).Mod(L); } using (var nout = new MemoryStream(64)) { nout.Write(encodedBigR, 0, encodedBigR.Length); var encodeInt = EncodeInt(s); nout.Write(encodeInt, 0, encodeInt.Length); return nout.ToArray(); } } private static bool IsOnCurve(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) { BigInteger xx = x * x; BigInteger yy = y * y; BigInteger dxxyy = D * yy * xx; return (yy - xx - dxxyy - 1).Mod(Q).Equals(BigInteger.Zero); } private static BigInteger DecodeInt(byte[] s) { return new BigInteger(s) & Un; } private static Tuple DecodePoint(byte[] pointBytes) { BigInteger y = new BigInteger(pointBytes) & Un; BigInteger x = RecoverX(y); if ((x.IsEven ? 0 : 1) != GetBit(pointBytes, BitLength - 1)) { x = Q - x; } var point = new Tuple(x, y); if (!IsOnCurve(x, y)) throw new ArgumentException("Decoding point that is not on curve"); return point; } public static bool CheckValid(byte[] signature, byte[] message, byte[] publicKey) { if (signature.Length != BitLength / 4) throw new ArgumentException("Signature length is wrong"); if (publicKey.Length != BitLength / 8) throw new ArgumentException("Public key length is wrong"); byte[] rByte = Arrays.CopyOfRange(signature, 0, BitLength / 8); var r = DecodePoint(rByte); var a = DecodePoint(publicKey); byte[] sByte = Arrays.CopyOfRange(signature, BitLength / 8, BitLength / 4); BigInteger s = DecodeInt(sByte); BigInteger h; using (var stemp = new MemoryStream(32 + publicKey.Length + message.Length)) { var encodePoint = EncodePoint(r.Item1, r.Item2); stemp.Write(encodePoint, 0, encodePoint.Length); stemp.Write(publicKey, 0, publicKey.Length); stemp.Write(message, 0, message.Length); h = HashInt(stemp.ToArray()); } var ra = ScalarMul(B, s); var ah = ScalarMul(a, h); var rb = Edwards(r.Item1, r.Item2, ah.Item1, ah.Item2); if (!ra.Item1.Equals(rb.Item1) || !ra.Item2.Equals(rb.Item2)) return false; return true; } private const int BitLength = 256; private static readonly BigInteger TwoPowBitLengthMinusTwo = BigInteger.Pow(2, BitLength - 2); private static readonly BigInteger[] TwoPowCache = Enumerable.Range(0, 2 * BitLength).Select(i => BigInteger.Pow(2, i)).ToArray(); private static readonly BigInteger Q = BigInteger.Parse("57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819949"); private static readonly BigInteger Qm2 = BigInteger.Parse("57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819947"); private static readonly BigInteger Qp3 = BigInteger.Parse("57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819952"); private static readonly BigInteger L = BigInteger.Parse("7237005577332262213973186563042994240857116359379907606001950938285454250989"); private static readonly BigInteger D = BigInteger.Parse("-4513249062541557337682894930092624173785641285191125241628941591882900924598840740"); private static readonly BigInteger I = BigInteger.Parse("19681161376707505956807079304988542015446066515923890162744021073123829784752"); private static readonly BigInteger By = BigInteger.Parse("46316835694926478169428394003475163141307993866256225615783033603165251855960"); private static readonly BigInteger Bx = BigInteger.Parse("15112221349535400772501151409588531511454012693041857206046113283949847762202"); private static readonly Tuple B = new Tuple(Bx.Mod(Q), By.Mod(Q)); private static readonly BigInteger Un = BigInteger.Parse("57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967"); private static readonly BigInteger Two = new BigInteger(2); private static readonly BigInteger Eight = new BigInteger(8); } internal static class Arrays { public static byte[] CopyOfRange(byte[] original, int from, int to) { int length = to - from; var result = new byte[length]; Array.Copy(original, from, result, 0, length); return result; } } internal static class BigIntegerHelpers { public static BigInteger Mod(this BigInteger num, BigInteger modulo) { var result = num % modulo; return result < 0 ? result + modulo : result; } } }