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2024-01-29 16:20:42 +01:00
// Settings.swift
// Befund
// Created by Irakli Abetschkhrischwili on 29.05.22.
// Copyright © 2022 MVZ Dr. Stein und Kollegen. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
extension Core.Models
public class Settings
public var public_key: String? = nil
public var hashed_private_key: String? = nil
public var verificator_hash: String? = nil
public var password_hash: String? = nil
public var password_reset_hash: String? = nil
public var zip: String? = nil
public var birthday: String? = nil
public var udid: String? = nil
public var lang: Core.Lang.Languages = Core.Lang.Languages.DE
public var labor: Core.Models.Labor? = nil
public var pushNotificationExplained: Bool = false
public var pushNotificationAccepted: Bool = false
public var policyAGBExplained: Bool = false
* Loads settings from the file
public static func loadFromFile(atPath: String) -> Core.Models.Settings?
var result: Core.Models.Settings? = nil
if(Core.System.FileExists(atPath: atPath))
let dic = NSMutableDictionary(contentsOfFile: atPath)
if(dic != nil)
result = Core.Models.Settings()
let public_key = dic!.value(forKey: "public_key")
if(public_key != nil)
result!.public_key = public_key as? String
let hashed_private_key = dic!.value(forKey: "hashed_private_key")
if(hashed_private_key != nil)
result!.hashed_private_key = hashed_private_key as? String
let verificator_hash = dic!.value(forKey: "verificator_hash")
if(verificator_hash != nil)
result!.verificator_hash = verificator_hash as? String
let password_hash = dic!.value(forKey: "password_hash")
if(password_hash != nil)
result!.password_hash = password_hash as? String
let password_reset_hash = dic!.value(forKey: "password_reset_hash")
if(password_reset_hash != nil)
result!.password_reset_hash = password_reset_hash as? String
let zip = dic!.value(forKey: "zip")
if(zip != nil)
result!.zip = zip as? String
let birthday = dic!.value(forKey: "birthday")
if(birthday != nil)
result!.birthday = birthday as? String
let udid = dic!.value(forKey: "udid")
if(udid != nil)
result!.udid = udid as? String
let lang = dic!.value(forKey: "lang") as? String
case "EN":
result!.lang = Core.Lang.Languages.EN
result!.lang = Core.Lang.Languages.DE
let labor_id = dic!.value(forKey: "labor")
if(labor_id != nil)
result!.labor = Core.Models.Labor.GetLaborByName(id: (labor_id as? String)!)
result!.labor = nil //Core.Models.Labor.GetLaborByName(id: "LABOR_HANNOVER")
//result!.labor!.host = .LABOR_HANNOVER
let pushExplained = dic!.value(forKey: "push_explained")
if (pushExplained != nil)
result?.pushNotificationExplained = ((pushExplained as? NSNumber)!).boolValue
result?.pushNotificationExplained = false
let pushAccepted = dic!.value(forKey: "push_accepted")
if (pushAccepted != nil)
result?.pushNotificationAccepted = ((pushAccepted as? NSNumber)!).boolValue
result?.pushNotificationAccepted = false
let AGBAccepted = dic!.value(forKey: "agb_accepted")
if (AGBAccepted != nil)
result?.policyAGBExplained = ((AGBAccepted as? NSNumber)!).boolValue
result?.policyAGBExplained = false
//let host = dic!.value(forKey: "host")
//if(host != nil)
//result!.host = Core.Https.Servers(rawValue: host as! String)!
//result!.host = .LABOR_HANNOVER
//if(result != nil &&
// (result!.public_key == nil || result!.hashed_private_key == nil || result!.verificator_hash == nil))
// result = nil
return result
* Saves the settings to the file
public func save(atPath: String) -> Bool
let dic = NSMutableDictionary()
dic.setValue(self.public_key, forKey: "public_key")
dic.setValue(self.hashed_private_key, forKey: "hashed_private_key")
dic.setValue(self.verificator_hash, forKey: "verificator_hash")
dic.setValue(self.password_hash, forKey: "password_hash")
dic.setValue(self.password_reset_hash, forKey: "password_reset_hash")
dic.setValue(, forKey: "zip")
dic.setValue(self.birthday, forKey: "birthday")
dic.setValue(self.udid, forKey: "udid")
dic.setValue((self.lang == Core.Lang.Languages.DE ? "DE": "EN"), forKey: "lang")
dic.setValue(self.labor?.id, forKey: "labor")
dic.setValue(self.pushNotificationExplained, forKey: "push_explained")
dic.setValue(self.pushNotificationAccepted, forKey: "push_accepted")
dic.setValue(self.policyAGBExplained, forKey: "agb_accepted")
dic.write(toFile: atPath, atomically: true)
return Core.System.FileExists(atPath: atPath)
* Returns formated birthday as date
public func GetBirthday() -> Date?
var result: Date? = nil
if(self.birthday != nil)
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
result = self.birthday!)
return result;
* Returns formated birthday as string
public func GetFormatedBirthday() -> String?
var result: String? = nil
let date = self.GetBirthday()
if(date != nil)
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy"
result = dateFormatter.string(from: date!)
return result
* Sets the birthday to the settings
public func SetBirthday(date: Date)
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
self.birthday = dateFormatter.string(from: date)